Below is the review I wrote a while ago and it still stands for version 1.4.
This is an amazing app, in principle, but I still can’t use it. Machine guns, crazy bees, screaming and other freaky noises are guaranteed to wake you up and get your attention. However, these not-so-subtle noises wake up young children too, and too early.
If I could custom set my alarms to use ONLY basic system sounds but require say 10 math problems to shut off, it would have the same wake-up affect on me without scaring the kids and irritating my wife.
I really love the idea of this application — LOVE it — but one thing keeps me from being able to use it daily: I really wish I could choose which alarms would sound, and that those alarm options included some less in-your-face alternatives.
While I can appreciate how effective random crazy alarm sounds can be, I’m the only one in my household who has to wake up early so, the current settings are too aggressive for me to be able to use on a regular basis.
Also, there are a couple of things that would make this application brilliant for me. First, I’d love to see a volume slider right in the app since it can be a pain trying to control ringer vs iPod volumes. Second, I wish it were harder to turn the alarm off the for the day. The option to require solving multiple equations would be fantastic.
Thanks for the app. Though I can’t use it everyday right now, it does work REALLY well for the days I need it.
stephenesc about FreakyAlarm — Games & Barcodes, v1.4