Works beautifully. The bar-code function - which obligates you take a photo of any product bar-code you choose in order to turn the alarm off (and forcing you to actually wake up) - was a HUGE improvement, and very ingenious solution. I chose some product at the kitchen, so when the alarm sounds I must walk to the kitchen and point the cell camera to the same product until it recognizes it.
[UPDATE for v3.0]
The bar-code function is presenting major issues, and isnt recognizing (or is taking waaaay too long) the same code it used to recognize before. Please fix it urgently! Ill put the five stars back after that. ;)
--> And a kind request: please include an option to just take the picture without using any brain game. For me thats enough to wake me up, maybe for some users itll be also. Thanks!
raffaelias about FreakyAlarm — Games & Barcodes, v3.0